Haveah Faith

Over the weekend I had a conversation with my granddaughter Haveah “who’s 6”.  She tells me about school and how’s she’s doing well.  They recently put her into a gifted program, which makes me very proud.  She explains to me that a girl in her class was cheating off her paper a while back and she told the teacher.   According to my grand baby there have been several issues with the same little girl with others.   Now, how many of you would be over her by now?  If I know anything it’s that in todays world if nothing else is strong the “cut off” game is strong. Especially in the body of Christ.  When have we gotten to a point where we’d rather be done with someone then to see where we could help?

 So back to the story. Fast forward to today Haveah informs me that she not only is still friends with the student but is now tutoring her and 2 others to read. What!!! So there was a reason the girl was cheating and acting out.  She can’t read! You mean to tell me a six year old can show more compassion towards one who’s wronged them then most adults? And help them in their weaknesses?   How many times could things be turned around for us and others if we’d just take the time to first find out the issues and lend a hand to correct them?  

She told me she felt bad the girl got in trouble in class and how the other kids were being mean to her, that’s empathy. 

But true compassion is having a desire to help and acting on it.  MAKING A CHANGE NOT JUST OBSERVING THE PROBLEM!

When we know better we do better, which can cause the world to be better

I love you
Pastor T

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