2 Kings 1:14 And he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters, and said, Where is the Lord God of Elijah?

We find the true meaning of faithfulness in the story of Elijah and Elisha. Elijah was at the end of his physical existence on the earth. The Lord was preparing to take him up. Elisha walked with Elijah until the very end. Elisha made one request: I want a double portion of your anointing. The one thing I have found out about faithfulness is that it puts a demand on purpose. The longer you stick with a thing the closer you get to a breakthrough. When Elijah was taken up by God his mantle fell on Elisha. Elisha took the mantle and went straight to work. When we ask God for something we must move on that thing.The only way that you know is if you take action.

The key to fulfilling a Godly purpose for your life is to be faithful to the end. Regardless of what it looks like.  Regardless if you don't see what you desire or the chatter you  hear from others, be FAITHFUL and keep TESTING what you want to see. We do not see what God sees, so we must walk by faith until we see manifestation.

God measures faithfulness not sight. God measures desires not frustrations. Your eyes have the ability to frustrate you. We must see life through a different viewpoint. Without a reference point of faith we are subject to fail due to physical sight. Elisha walked it out. He asked for something that the Elijah himself didn’t have. He not only asked for the mantle but a double portion.  Elisha was committed to the very end. He made a request and his resilience (actions) showed his desires. No matter what the naysayers said he remained steadfast. (2 Kings 1:3,5)

The enemy will state the human obvious. You don’t feel good. That condition or conditions are coming to a head. Life is working against you. You are dealing with major resistance and life is not going in your direction. This thing that you want is too hard for you to accomplish. “But is ”ANYTHING” too hard for God. God only needs our faith to bring forth whatever He has planned for your life. Faith produces diligence. Faith produces prudence. Faith produces resilience. Faith receives and then walks out the will of God through the divine power of the Holy Spirit. PUT IT TO THE TEST!

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