One Flesh

The greatest obstacle in a marriage is individualism. When God designed the institution of marriage He intended for a man and a woman to become one. You hear people say that marriage is a 50-50 deal. I disagree. A successful marriage is just 100%. 

Everyday as individuals we do not operate at our optimal level. When the husband is operating at 40% the wife needs to pick up the 60% and vice versa. When a marriage is treated like a contract instead of a family, when one person doesn’t uphold their end of the deal the marriage fails. But when you understand that just as  your parents created a family you now have started one. Then things fall into place.

Marriage is great with the right understanding. Marriage is about  sacrifice and agape love. The love that a family shares isn’t based on conditions of 50-50. Family is just family. A unit that helps one another.

Eph 5:31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.

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